What Is Their Objective?

The more I keep the blog and website going the more I tune in to Beavis & Butthead, a.k.a, Warsaw Wally and Heritage Harry.  I do so because I need to keep  up with their scheme (a.k.a. BS), and more importantly, I am at the point in my life where I need a lot of laughs.  No better place than the  Warsaw Wally and Heritage Harry blogs.

If you are interested in knowing more about my connection with these two dingdongs, plug in my name in their search areas. You will find that I have become a favorite target of theirs  and honestly I am quite honored.  While you are at it, be sure to check out all the comments they receive (as in nada) in response to their attacks.  Not surprising however because after a while you get tired of reading their constant “whiney ass, piss and moan, woe is me, the tekkies are ruining the world” gibberish.

While the archaeologists here in the US aren’t quite in their class (as in bat shit crazy), they are however at work behind the scenes, doing all they can to limit our pastime.  It’s a subtle effort, not an in your face movement. Just a ban, regulation, statute or permit here, a program or bill there, and ongoing reminders to local, state and government officials that we shouldn’t be trusted.


Think about it. Those of us who metal detect (or as they call us..”tekkies) are pretty much just ‘regular Joes’, looking to spend our all too rare, spare time, searching for coins, a relic or two, a ring on the beach, or a speck of gold here and there.  Visit their blogs and websites however and you would think we are the 800 lb. gorilla, hell bent on destroying everything in sight. Are our metal detectors that powerful that we can strike fear into these people, or are they just that committed to taking us down?  Think you and I know the answer to that….

You see, the archaeological community resents the fact that we don’t need grant money to enjoy the outdoors, the fresh air, the joy of the search, the treasure we might come home with, the beer or two we might have afterward, and the fun we always have no matter how our day turns out.  Yep, we’re a threat to our historical heritage….

I know I am breaking this down in the simplest of terms, but isn’t that really how it should be? What is complicated about what we do, and why are so many upset about it?  Geez, I mean, come on folks. Think about it, please…..

The PAS in the UK has pretty much proven it’s worth, and has caused the archaeological community to go on the offensive, trying to discredit it, when in fact the majority of people living there support the program and are enamored of it.  Of course people like Warsaw Wally and Heritage Harry will try to tell you otherwise, but then they have nothing else to do…..literally. Those in control of their livelihood are slowly but surely cutting their monies because they see the light of day. Spending thousands and even millions on an archaeological project is not money well spent in today’s economy, and the bottom line is that we put the finds and the facts out there faster for free.

Let them cry.  Let them piss and moan, and let them try to discredit our pastime.  Anyone possessing common sense understands what we do, how we do it, and  just how baseless and odorous their efforts are.



Gary Killmer sent me the following article from the New York Times, and had to share it here.  The couple featured certainly have a clever sideline business, but note the charge at the bottom. Hmmm, just a little doubtful about it, but then again I am envious if true….

The Booty That Lies Beneath



Still waiting for that 100th person to sign up for email updates.  Getting close, but so far no cigars.  Of course I understand that my offer of  one each of my books might be turning you off and that’s understandable.  If, however, you have not heard about them and would like to have them simply sign up bottom left where it says “follow blog via email“.  I will send one each (4 total) to the 100th inividual to add their email address.



Treasure Hunters Dig up Live Shell

State College Class Ring Returned

Quest to Find History of Medal

 Couple Who find 400 Year Old Body Forced to Pay $5,000

Discovery of the Dowth Causeway

Ancient Relic Used as Doorstop



Eddy Current also shared this video on Facebook, and suggested it was how TV shows ought to represent our pastime, and I couldn’t agree more.  Check it out…well done  and informative. Congratulations Dirt Fishin….



A reminder that Lisa Hume MacIntyre and I will be facing off in an American Digger Relic Roundup show, July 15th.  Hope  you will tune in for this “Tekkie vs. Arkie” duel.  Should be fun.  I am getting my stuff (polite word) together for this evening….




For those of you might have missed the first Dig Wars show, here it is, compliments of the Travel Channel….




Filed under Metal Detecting

6 responses to “What Is Their Objective?

  1. Gary Killmer

    Thanks for the little mention their Dick. I had known about your books and involvement for quite sometime but never got around to contact you for anything. Since I sent you that article I found a nice 1793 Liberty Cap cent if you’re curious you can read about it on findmall or friendly metal detecting forum I go by GKman.

  2. Frankly another aspect of this is academic snobbery. The PAS and Treasure Act have tried to bridge this gap, and have done so with some success. Though Mr. Barford is loath to admit it, even critics of the antiquities trade like Lord Renfrew have praised the PAS and Treasure Act because it has led to the recording of thousands and thousands of artifacts that WOULD NEVER OTHERWISE COME TO THE ATTENTION OF ARCHAEOLOGISTS. There simply not that many archaeologists out there and where they actually dig is quite limited.

    • Thanks for the response Mr. Tompa, and for your validation of what it is we do. I appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts. Your blog has been a favorite of mine for sometime.

  3. Robbie

    On Wally’s blog page is a link to an article with the Wizard of Oz’s Strawman photo. Under the photo is this………“Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking” . Since Wally posts numerous times a day ..he does a lot of “talking” but with nothing to say !!!! His Mantra should be “If I only had a brain” !!!

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