Thoughts, Theories and Brainfarts…

Yours truly has not been out detecting in some time and the prospects are not good that this will change any time soon. I am aware too that what I share here is often redundant.  It is what it is and it’s all I have at the moment….

Tips From An Old Digger

Most of the better finds I’ve made over the years were found because I –

1 – researched and knew the history of the ground I was hunting.

2 – was the first one to hunt the site.

3 – decided to dig those tentative whispers.

4 – was using a new detector and as a result slowed down even more to learn my new machine.

5 – was relaxed and at peace mentally.

6 – was hunting soon after a soaking rain.

7 – spent a lot of time cross referencing old and new maps.

8 – knew the site had to hold something good after other tekkies avoided it because of too much trash.

9 – used the super small coil to get in-between the trash.

10 – got a feel for each site by first initially digging all responses.

11 – noticed out of character vegetation in the area.

12 – cut way back on discrimination.

13  – decided to see what all those iffy responses were last time I hunted this site.

14 – didn’t give up on a site after one visit.

15 – stopped looking at the visual readout and started listening to the audio only.

and finally –  BECAUSE I WALKED OVER IT!


Likewise –

Most of the better finds I’ve made over the years were NOT found because I –

1 – had the latest, greatest and most expensive detector.

2 – listened to ‘Deep Digging Dan’ on YouTube.

3 – made sure to stay ahead of my digging partner to cover more ground.

4 – was decked out with every accessory on the market.

5 – was hunting on posted property.

6 – set my sensitivity/depth as high as possible.

7 – wore camo.

8 – had a really cool, badass shovel.

9 – was packin’ heat.

10 – ignored the park regulations.

11 – spent hours testing and comparing my detector with all the other makes and models.

12 – was using my buddy’s secret program settings.

13 – had the latest and greatest imported searchcoil.



From July 2016


  • To say “Hello from Missouri”…
  • To view videos, any videos of someone else digging big holes and breathing heavily…
  • Hoping to find some mention of a brand new coil to add their collection of ten…
  • To see the same photos of finds from their favorite tekkies on fifteen different sites and FB pages…
  • To read anything at all from their idols on Facebook so that they can respond casually and pretend to be best pals…
  • To bitch about the big holes someone left and that they had to fill in…
  • To look for any new detecting gear or accessories that might have come out because if it hangs from their waist it’s cool …
  • To find pictures of tekkies with detectors, wearing camo, and looking like Rambo (in a tot lot)…
  • To find posts or comments from gal detectorists so they can hit on them…
  • To see what brand of detector that tekkie uses to find all that treasure, because they “need” to buy one…
  • To post photos of their finds in their “dirty hands” because if you take them at home no one will believe you…
  • To premiere their latest “I’m looking for a TV show” video
  • To show the manufacturer of their detector that they love their products, sleep with them and would be a really great field tester…
  • To write Dick Stout and tell him his blog sucks…
  • To see what others are finding and to casually respond with “I have a box of those”…
  • To diss any brand of detector they don’t use…
  • Hoping someone will tell them that very expensive, crappy detector they just bought really will find something other than pull tabs…
  • Hoping to find a detecting partner, preferably a gal…
  • To start “another” Facebook metal detecting page that will die in short order because there are so damn many now…
  • To get help identifying that metal piece of crap they’re sure came from a civil war battle, despite the fact they live in Oregon…
  • To debate which batteries are the best for metal detecting…
  • To share a video of their new detector as it comes out of the box…
  • To post their latest photo of their detector leaning on a shovel…
  • To complain about getting kicked out of the local park…
  • Hoping Dick Stout will stop pissing and moaning about his aches, pains and start talking metal detecting…


And please, the above was done tongue in cheek….




Filed under Metal Detecting

11 responses to “Thoughts, Theories and Brainfarts…

  1. Doesn’t that lady with the basic fishing pole and kit highlight what you (and me) have been saying for years. Taking it all from an angling perspective, I side with the manufacturers, who, if they can persuade an angler to part with $180 for a fly reel, with all the BS that goes with the advertising, then good luck to’em. A $20 job does exactly the same thing.

    “Never give a sucker an even break,” as WC Fields once said. Like the angling fraternity, our hobby is chock full of suckers.

    • Yeah it’s marketing 101 and the latest is the “wait till you see this”…. aka don’t spend your money on the other guy’s detector – we have one coming that will blow your mind. Six months late – nothing.

  2. danhughes1

    Okay, you brought this one on yourself when you opened the door with your fishing story.

    Ed Zern was a writer for Field & Stream magazine, and one of his stories has stuck with me for half a century.  He was commenting on “fish stories” – a polite code phrase for exaggerated lies told by fishermen.  And here is his.

    Seems a hermit lived in a shack on an island off the coast of Maine.  His food was mostly the fish he caught, augmented by other staples he bought on his infrequent trips to the mainland.  

    One morning he ran out of Pepsodent Tooth Powder, which sold for 39 cents at the general store where he bought his provisions.  So he put a shiny new half dollar in his shirt pocket and got in his small boat and rowed toward the mainland.  

    Halfway there, he saw a huge largemouth bass surface right next to his boat.  He leaned over to get a better look, and the half dollar fell into the water.  It spun in the water as it sank, shooting reflected sunrays into a beautiful pattern.  And just before it was out of sight, the bass grabbed it!

    Five years later, this same man was fishing from his island pier, and he got a tremendous strike.  After a lengthy fight, he landed a six-pound largemouth bass.  When he was cleaning it for his supper, you will not believe what he found in the stomach of that bass.

    (Pause here as your victim makes a guess)

    He found a brand new can of Pepsodent Tooth Powder, and eleven cents change.

  3. john taylor

    I “almost” soiled myself when I read the column on “the better finds not found!” ehe! heh! heh!
    “packin’ heat” will really help ya find more! ehe! he! heh! great list dick! still laughin’ my balls off!
    I’m just sayin’


    j (still makin’ bacon here in New England with my
    little “Tesoro!”) t.

    • danhughes1

      Loved my Tesoros, John! Which one do you have?

      Legendary treasure hunter Indiana Stiles used the cheapest Tesoro most of the time (the Compadre), and he could operate that thing like you wouldn’t believe.

  4. john taylor

    sleepin’ with the detector? sounds pleasurable!
    I’m just sayin’


    j (no more shots!…PLEASE!) t

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