Please Help…


Another reminder that the Ken MacIntyre benefit drawing will take place October 21st, and if you’ve not purchased your tickets I hope you will soon. Likewise if you have, why not get a few more.  The more you spend the better your chances of winning one of the many great prizes available. I know I have mentioned this effort many times here, but you know what?  Ken recently had his 4th chemo treatment and he still has eight more to go.  Not exactly a fun schedule, nor something to look forward to.

I am also well aware that Ken is not the only one in the world having to go through something like this.  He is however the son of a friend, and an unlikely friend at that. His Mom, Lisa Hume MacIntyre is an archaeologist, and by now you know how much I love archaeologists.  This time, however, it’s different. Lisa is different.  While I have never met Lisa, I was privileged to debate her on the Relic Roundup show a couple months back, and surprise of surprises….she was civil, understanding, and appreciated what it is we do.  Do we still have differences? You bet, but we have since become good friends, and when I found out about Ken I just wanted to help in some way.

Shortly after asking you all for help here I received an email from Alan Holcombe at White’s Electronics. He said “how about if we donate a White’s VX3 detector package and you find a way to raise money with it“.  Honestly I was not at all surprised.  I have known Alan for 30 years and both he and White’s have gone out of their way so many times to help people that I’ve lost count, and there were times when their generosity went unannounced or advertised.  It’s just how they are and why I am proud to be part of their family.

In any case when I mentioned this to Butch & Anita Holcombe (no relation to Alan) at American Digger Magazine they said, “hey, hold on, let’s see if just maybe we can get the rest of the manufacturers on board with this” and to make a long story short, we did, and we’re still working on getting prizes.  To find out how you can help and how you might win one of these prizes click HERE.

I want to also add that White’s was kind enough to send Ken a Coinmaster GT to help him get through the tough days ahead.  Thank you Alan, thank you White’s, and thank you to all the other manufacturers, distributors. dealers and magazines for your very generous donations.  This is a great pastime, a great group of people, and we always come together when it comes to helping out a friend.

Ken, the new tekkie.....

Ken, the new tekkie…..




John Howland, as usual, has written another terrific post for the Malamute Saloon and I hope you will take the time to read it. While much of John writes about is what takes place in the UK, his topic this time around can apply to us here in the states…

I, like John, also believe those that work so hard to take us down, to make us the scapegoats, often do so to divert attention from their own malpractice.

Please click on the Malamute Saloon link above and scroll down to today’s date..



Roy Rutledge , an old friend and treasure hunter, recently replied on my  blog with a few recommendations for the legendary and inspirational group being discussed.  He brought up Rocky LeGaye, and my mind instantly went to his “The Electronic Metal Detector Handbook“.   This 1969 book has been in my collection many years and I can still pick it up and finds a few words of wisdom.  Yes, much of the technical data is outdated, but his tips, stories and opinions are still valid today.

Old stuff, but good stuff...

Old stuff, but good stuff…

His book, along with a few others in my collection, was responsible for my TH’ing addiction. I very quickly went from strumming a guitar to digging in the dirt….how’s that for an about-face?  I have, of course, always wondered what would have happened if I kept on pickin…

Books have played a big part in my life, and I still love to read. Tell me about YOUR favorites.  You can comment on my  blog in the comments section.



Filed under Metal Detecting

2 responses to “Please Help…

  1. Lisa

    I know that Dick has told me on more than one occasion that he wants no thanks. However, our thanks is what he is getting. I don’t think he realizes just how much he has helped our family. If it were not for Mr. Stout, and his tireless posting, begging, pleading, and nudging we would have not been able to make most of Kens chemo payments. On Ken’s first visit we were told we would need to bring $600.00. At that visit I asked what we were going to do because there was no way we could come up with that kind of money every two weeks. The Doc told us we could apply for grants but in the meantime Ken needed chemo immediately and he would have to go the ER for his treatments. She (Doc) told us they (the ER) didn’t have to take him but she (Doc) had never heard of anyone being turned away. The way it would work is he would go to the ER, say he needed chemo, and then wait for an available seat. This could take from 4 hours to the next day. We would need to do this twice a month for six months. When I told Dick what was happening he immediately told me not to worry. Since then, he and Anita Holcomb have promoted this fundraiser relentlessly. We can never, ever, express our gratitude for all the donations that have allowed Ken to get his treatments at a cancer center where he has an appointment, his own nurse, and his own chair. Getting cancer and chemo sucks bad enough. To have to worry if you are even going to get that treatment is beyond comprehensible. So I say, to all of you that have donated and offered support and prayers, thank you for saving my son. And to you, Dick Stout, I thank you for being a compassionate, giving, human being, and a true friend to my family.

    • Lisa, thank you, but as I’ve said so many times, we do it because we can, and because one of us could just as well be in in Ken’s position. No one knows what tomorrow brings. Likewise all the manufacturers, distributors, magazine and book companies really deserve the thanks. Asking them to help was the easy part…

      Just tell Ken that he will have to wear the thugwit badge with honor from here on out….

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